Kali Active Meets the Cali Girl
Kali Active is a premium lifestyle brand that uses design and innovation to change the way people engage with their fight products for an elevated experience in and out of the ring. With a renowned team of product specialists, their mission to add value and empower customers with specialty products that pay close attention to detail, style and performance.
Gear that is as badass and unique as the person wearing them!
self mastery
A Fight to Inspire
Kali Active looks to motivate and inspire customers to go out and crush their goals! What an honor to be that Cali Girl ambassador for an industry leader who is setting the standard for fight products that will inspire and bring an extroardinary community together through design.
Kali Active challenged me to a heart provoking Q&A on the who, how, why, where and personal perks to keeping boxing as a tool in my back pocket for life.
KA: Why did you get into boxing/training?
Being a new nurse to the emergency department made all my experiences with people and my emotions unique to me. I did not have a healthy outlet to express the commotion in my life. I started taking group fitness boxing and kickboxing classes at L.A. Boxing in 2011. Soon I acquired my first trainer Andre Huseman and was hooked ever since.
I would ask if I could train right after a 12-hour shift because it allowed me to use my brain in a different pattern. There was way too much adrenaline after work to go home and expect to shut down.
There were also many self-discovery moments when I did get to train and do mits with my boxing coach/trainer.
If I was happy I hit harder, if I was focused, I was more precise and faster, and if I was sad, I missed every shot and repeatedly forgot my combinations.
Boxing before work gave me energy to jumpstart my day and boxing after work was my therapy for everything I endured throughout my shift and/or in life.
Personal Trainer, Boxing, & Yoga Maya Talisa
Images by catchingCALI
KA: What are some of the lessons you have learned from training that you feel has crossed into your daily life?
Boxing lessons crossed into my daily life?
1. Discipline
2. Self-Mastery
The discipline I gained from boxing helped me to stay in the present moment. Anything that happened in the past (life lessons or poor punching power) stayed in the past. In anticipation of the future, I learned to listen and visualize my body connection with my coach. We worked together to keep me present in creating distance with a jab or force with a cross. The same goes with life decisions. Anything that creates adversity in the moment is an experience worthwhile to teach you how to discipline yourself and be better. I only strive to be a better woman then I was yesterday.
“I only strive to be a better woman then I was yesterday.”
Self-mastery happens with the willingness to learn and make adjustments. Everything in life, similarly to boxing can be shifted with energy. Our mind and body can pivot, step, and transfer in the direction we choose in order to be stronger. I constantly have a conversation with myself that every day my goal is to be stronger. I did not realize this at first until I caught myself habitually telling every trainer I ever had, this is my goal! Make me stronger!
I’ve never had a goal for less back fat, arms, or muffin top. My tunnel vision was directed only to strengthen physically and mentally. I knew if I had the ability to train and strengthen my skill set in boxing, I could transfer that same mindset in life and demonstrate success with grit and power.
KA: What helped you get over the intimidation of going and sticking to your training in the beginning?
Hitting Life with my
hardest & best effort
In the beginning, everything and anything new is scary! But the moment you make the decision to commit to yourself and your well-being, anything is possible. Who does not feel good when they overcome fear? We all make mistakes in life have areas to improve.
The way I see it is, if you’re comfortable- you have not lived a fulfilling life.
Boxing challenges me to be precise, competitive, athletic, healthy, and self-loving. I stick to what makes me feel good. Hitting life with my hardest and best effort is how I train in every aspect - this includes boxing.